Friday, September 24

Overdue Congratulations

It has been a while since the blog saw some action, and we apologize for that. There are so many things that need to be written, so rest assured, they will be posted. Until then, a VERY BELATED congrats is in order for my brother and his new bride-to-be. On Labor Day weekend, Lo and I flew down to Nashville for the weekend. During that time, my parents, brother, and then girlfriend were at a wedding in Birmingham. Since it had been months since we had seen them, we decided to drive down and "visit" with my parents, who just "happened" to be a few hours away.

Luckily for us and Anna (Brantly's (my brother) fiance), it was her birthday and her parents were throwing a luncheon to celebrate. My brother had told her that we were just stopping by because we had to make our flight back to D.C. that evening. So we "stopped" by the luncheon and low and behold it "coincidentally" happened to be the same time my brother was going to propose. So weird.

Lo and I were so happy to be able to be there for the very exciting occasion. It seems like yesterday, B and I were rolling down the hill in front of our house in barrels, dressing up in our homemade Halloween sweatshirts, and playing baseball on the neighborhood field. Those days are gone, and new memories are about to begin. As for Anna, I guess she will do. I really don't have a choice, do I?.....I kid. Anyone who can handle the person that is my brother deserves nothing but the best. And I guess I am a little bias, but I feel like she is getting the best. Well both of them are, actually. Lo and I were talking the other night about how fun it is going to be to be able to hang out with great friends, who just so happen to be family. Nothing is better than that. So we wish them nothing but the best and alot of happiness in not only the preparation, but for the rest of their married lives.

1 comment:

MS Mom said...

I remember those days as well. If only I could snap my fingers and go back for a while.....{sigh} only in my memories. Think you could still wear that Halloween sweat shirt? Sweet post. Feeling blessed with the choices my sons have made. If you and Lauren were only closer. So happy that ya'll could be a part of this special day.
love ya both lots!!!!!