Sunday, March 6

Guess who's back.... back again....

Yea yea yea... no excuses. We basically are just terrible at blogging. Bottom line - that's it. We're bad at it. And we decided not to start our New Year's resolutions until March. Ya know... test out 2011. Dip our toe in and then decide what our resolutions for the year are going to be. Which is why today, the first weekend in March (or is it the second? Whatever... just go with me here), we are cleaning our house, rearranging our bedroom, actually doing a budget for the first time in the 3 years we have been married and coming back to the blogging world. Welcome to a belated 2011. Love, The Clays

SO. A brief recap. I actually feel like nothing has gone on. We have been home for most of the weekends which has been great. Wesley and I have seen a few movies (did anyone else get the Fandango $9/ two tickets deal?!!! Ummm amazing), gone to a few restaurants and basically been boring. Oh and we have been cutting coupons. And I am excited about it. I actually sat at Starbucks this morning and stole someone's Washington Post just so I could get the Sunday coupons out. Wow. Maybe this is an over share and I'm showing how dorky I really am. Anyway, I guess the biggest highlight is that Wesley and I both got promotions. Great news. I guess sometimes hard work does pay off. Besides that... here we go....

Margaret and Peyton got married :) Amazing time with great friends! Take us back!! (besides the fact that I lost my camera..........wahhhh)

We had our 3 year wedding anniversary. :)

Visited Liz and Ryan in NYC. We took the bus down Friday morning and spent the day wandering around Soho and shopping. Ate at Mercer Kitchen and Beauty & Essex. Delicious. Great time as always.

Avie McFatter arrived!!! :) Lauren and Daniel became parents to a beautiful baby girl on February 24. We are so in love already and can't wait to meet her. Aunt Lo can't wait to buy some Grove dresses for her. :)

And that's about it. Besides eating frozenyo constantly, cooking, working, running and having wolo weekends.... that's about it. Oh yea, and we have a part time cat named Kitty. No plans for the spring. Perhaps a trip to the South? We hope so.... too bad we are short on funds. We will take charity though. Please make out all checks to Lauren Clay. Any amount will do. Thanks for the generosity. Just kidding... kind of. Hope to see yall soon.

And if anyone sees my parents, could you please tell them to come visit me.... like.... tomorrow? That would be great. Until next time..... love, lo

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