Monday, May 17

I am Mississippi

While doing research at work on the Mississippi Film Industry, I came across a video that captured everything that is Mississippi. I watched in amazement and was completely captivated. The state of MS is often bubbled in a negative connotation, but if you are educated in any way, you know, we as a state, have come along way. I hope our Mississippi readers are as proud as I am of my state.

(video provided by the Mississippi Film Office)

"Mississippi's people are the best thing about our state. Mississippians come from a rich heritage of warm hospitality, great music, literature, sports, art and cultural diversity. Mississippians work hard, love their families and their country, and are generous and giving. One of the things we're most proud of is consistently ranking at the top nationally in per capita charitable giving. We're a poor state, but a generous state. That says a lot about our people." - Mississippi Development Authority

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