Tuesday, July 27
Just Call us Nomads
Friday, July 16
As a disclaimer, all of these "child" posts that Wesley has been posting is in no way, shape or form any indication that we have the baby bug. We will not be having any children in the near future. Don't get your hopes up.
PS Happy Friday - bottoms up!
Speaking of earthquakes, this kid/beauty queen will give you a shake down like no other. It is well worth the 6:52 minutes. I posted several weeks ago a clip of her, but this is more of her insane world that is beauty pageants and highly comical. She has enough one liners for Dave's Top Ten. I can't tell who needs to be slapped, her or her mother. I will give it to the girl, she knows what she wants.
[video from YouTube]
Thursday, July 15
Kids Say (or Write) the Darndest Things
[pictures from Huffington Post]
Wednesday, July 14
One Liners That Really Hit You in the Gut
"Nothing is an obstacle unless you say it is." - Wally Amos
"Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think." - Dale Carnegie
"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional." - Roger Crawford
Monday, July 12
Busy Bees
So I jetted off with a few of my friends from DC (leaving all the boys behind!) to a GREAT relaxing weekend at my friend Betsy's house on Bald Head Island in North Carolina. You literally had to take a ferry over to the island where there were no cars and you got to drive around in golf carts. It was so nice being out of the District and hanging out and cooking dinners with good friends. :)
Cheers to a great weekend
Limo ride with champagne
Pretty girls!!
The next weekend, Wesley and I decided we were itching for a trip to New York so we hopped in the car and drove the four hours (well it really took us six... ahh traffic!) up to NYC. We still can't get over that we can pop up to New York any time we want because we were so close. It was the perfect weekend to go since it was Elizabeth's birthday. We went to an AMAZING dinner at Mas (farmhouse) in Greenwich Village (http://www.masfarmhouse.com/). If you are in the NYC area and are looking for somewhere incredible to eat, I would definitely suggest this place.
At Mas (farmhouse) - Happy Birthday Liz!
Dannceee parrttyy for the birthday girl
Wesley and I were then home for a couple of weekends (trying to avoid the heat!), but we did try to get out a bit. After attempting to lay out in the public park by our house.... yes just in the grass... with cars flying by.... yikes...., we decided to venture to one of the public pools in the area. It definitely wasn't a country club......... but at least it was somewhere to go! We stayed in town for the 4th of July, which is always fun in the District. We went to a cookout at my friend Katie's house and I attempted to make a few festive treats. Yea yea... slice and bake I know... I tried, okay!
After lunch at Acme Oyster - daiquiri timmee
Bridesmaids Luncheon
Wesley and I at the Rehearsal Dinner
Helping the bride get ready!
So needless to say, Wesley and I are a little tired out! We have some down time here in DC for a while, so hopefully we will jump back on the blogging bandwagon. Is anyone else in shock that it is already the middle of July?! Happy summer everyone!!